Eligible shipping speeds and their charges are displayed based on the item(s) in your cart and the delivery address
Depends upon the seller and buyer location. Usually takes 6-7 working days.
On the rare occasion that your order is delayed, please check your email & messages for updates. A new delivery timeframe will be shared with you.
As per company policy, a shipment can’t be opened before delivery, but you can accept the shipment and get in touch with us later in case you have any concerns.
Yes. You will receive invoice via your registered e-mail ID.
Sellers usually ship orders 1-2 business days before the delivery date so that they reach you on time. In case your order hasn’t been shipped within this time please contact our Customer Support so that we can look into it.
You can choose to pay for an order using any of the below methods:
- Cash on Delivery
- Net Banking
- Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and American Express Credit or Debit cards.
Wish Lists provide a great way of keeping track of what you want – even if the items aren’t listed currently on
You can raise a request to return your items. Sellers will be able to accept returns as per the time period and rules mentioned in the seller’s Returns Policy.
Yes. You can change or cancel your order.
Track orders can be used to track your courier movement.